Otoplasty in Madrid
Find out all about the otoplasty procedure in Madrid performed by Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón, www.miguelfernandezcalderon.com. Deformed ears are not easily concealed, so they can have a great impact on a person’s self-esteem. Otoplasty can correct this problem.
What are protruding ears?
When we say that a person has protruding ears, we are referring to the fact that they are prominent and very wide apart. This is one of the most common body complexes today. This causes insecurities.
This is a common problem and is due to the lack of the fold in the antihelix or in the cartilages that form the pinna. This, together with hypertrophy of the auricular concha, causes the ears to be too wide apart.
Otoplasty cosmetic surgery can fix this problem. This can correct the shape of one or both ears.
If you notice that your ears stick out too much or are too big in relation to the size of your head, this surgery is for you.
Protruding ears are the most common problem, although there can be other types of ear problems that can also be fixed with this surgery.

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Book your first free appointment where we will make a diagnosis and advise you on the solution that best suits your needs.
What does otoplasty in Madrid consist of?
Ears owe their shape to the reliefs of cartilage that make them up. When these cartilages do not have the usual reliefs, different ear deformities appear, generally congenital.The most common are protruding ears or Hellix Valgus.
The treatment of this and other ear deformities is aimed at improving the overall appearance in a natural way.
This surgery leaves a scar on the back of the ear that is imperceptible. The incision is used to modify the cartilage, creating the usual relief and folding of the cartilage.
Through reconstructive ear surgery, other problems such as cupped ears, contracted ears or protruding ears can also be corrected. Microtia is the total absence of the ear and there are also procedures to correct it.
This procedure can be performed from 5 or 6 years of age when atrial development is almost complete. It is usually performed with local anaesthesia and sedation. The duration of the procedure is between one and two hours.
Postoperative discomfort is moderate for a couple of days. The patient must wear an elastic band for 1 month to sleep and practice sports.
Earfold technique
Another technique used to correct the size of the ears is Earfold, also known as non-surgical otoplasty. This method corrects protruding ears at the upper pole.
It is a minimally invasive procedure and does not require surgery. It consists of placing a small implant to shape the ear and correct the position. This procedure takes less than an hour and only a very small incision is made.
In addition, this technique avoids the bandage that is required after a traditional otoplasty in Madrid. However, the care must be similar to avoid affecting the results.
At what age is ear surgery best performed?
Cosmetic ear surgery can be performed on both children and adults. It is most often performed during childhood, as children may be aware of the deformity and desire an aesthetic change.
By the age of 5, the ears are fully developed, so the operation can be performed from this age onwards. Ideally, surgery should be performed as early as possible. However, there is no disadvantage in performing it on adults.
Before a paediatric otoplasty is performed, it is important not to put pressure on the child and wait for him or her to decide whether to undergo the surgery. If parents notice that their child is uncomfortable with the appearance of their ears, they can consider this solution.
Go to the plastic surgeon so that the expert can clarify any doubts that both the child and the parents may have.
What to expect at the consultation?
During the first consultation for both children and adults, the surgeon will review the patient’s medical history. This is a routine procedure always done before any surgical procedure.
In this first meeting, you should tell the surgeon why you want to undergo otoplasty and what you expect the results to be. The doctor will evaluate the size and shape of your ears, as well as their symmetry. From there, he or she will choose the most appropriate method for the procedure.
Book your first free informative appointment today.
Book your first free appointment where we will make a diagnosis and advise you on the solution that best suits your needs.
Benefits and risks of otoplasty
After an ear operation the patient will feel better about their appearance. This will have a positive influence on their self-esteem. Even if the problem is in one ear, the operation on both ears will provide greater symmetry. The surgeon will aim to give the patient a more natural appearance of the ear.
Satisfaction with the results depends very much on the patient’s realistic expectations.
The risks of otoplasty are the same as for any surgery. Hearing loss is not associated with this type of surgery. After the operation the patient may experience pain and itching which is treated with medication. Bruising is also possible.
Other problems that may arise include changes in skin sensitivity after otoplasty in Madrid. This lack of sensitivity is temporary, so you don’t need to worry about it. The cases in which this lack of sensitivity extends over time are very few.
When the asymmetry is considerable, it may not be fully corrected. Changes during the healing process may affect the final results. But in any case, if you are not satisfied with the results you can always ask for a revision otoplasty.
Care after otoplasty in Madrid
One of the advantages of this surgery is that it is one of the least painful and recovery is quick. In addition, the results will be seen immediately.
The patient will be back to normal activities in a short time. It will take about a week for adults to return to work and for children to return to their school activities.
Special care must be taken during certain activities or movements that may affect the operated area. During sporting activities it will be necessary to wear a bandage that will help to maintain the new shape of the ears and help recovery to be quicker.
Other recommendations for postoperative care of otoplasty in Madrid include:
- Sleep on your back to avoid putting pressure on your ears.
- Wear shirts or T-shirts with wide collars.
- Avoid activities in which the ears can get bumps or bends.
- Wash wounds as directed by your doctor and use sunscreen.
If you are unhappy with the shape of your ears, this surgery is perfect for you. If you want to undergo otoplasty, it is essential that you choose professional surgeons who can guarantee good results. If you are interested in finding out more about this surgery, make an appointment with Dr. Miguel Fernández Calderón.